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Changes in the IJMRWOP programme

Changes starting 2023-2024


Cohort 2023-2024


Consequences cohort 2022-2023

PSY4966 -> PSY4960  'Introduction':
from 2 to 0 ECTS

 No change. Successful completion results in the original ECTS. Education Office books this course for you.
PSY4965 -> PSY4967 'Statistics and Research (...)':
from 8 to 7 ects
 No change. Successful completion results in the original ECTS. Education Office books this course for you.
The following course go from 0 ECTS to 1 ECTS:
• PSY4985 -> PSY4968 'The Future of Work 1'
• PSY4986-> PSY4969  'Virtual Collaboration'
• PSY4987 -> PSY4970 'The Future of Work 2'
 No change. Successful completion results in the original ECTS. 
PSY9516 'Facultary Introduction FP':
new administrative code used to provide the schedule via the timetable.
 Not applicable.

Changes starting 2022-2023


Cohort 2022-2023


Consequences cohort 2021-2022

PSY4965 "Statistics and Research Methodology":
now ends in March.

 Not applicable.


Changes starting 2021-2022


Cohort 2021-2022


Consequences cohort 2020-2021

PSY4965 "Statistics and Research Methodology" now in period 3 and 4, was period 3.

Students who started in 2020-2021 or before, and have not yet passed PSY4965, have to check their schedule.

Changes starting 2020-2021

!Inplemented COVID-19 changes in academic year 2019-2020 will not apply in academic year 2020-2021!


Cohort 2020-2021


Consequences cohort 2019-2020

PSY4981 "Occupational Health Audit" has a new code and name: PSY4985 "Practical Training: The Future of Work - Part 1 

 Students who have not passed this module will be booked. 
PSY4983 "Conflict Management" has a new code and name: PSY4986 "Practical Training: Virtual Collaboration for the Common Good"
 Students who have not passed this module will be booked. 
PSY4984 "Data Analyses" has a new code and name: PSY4987 "Practical Training: The Future of Work - Part 2 Students who have not passed this module will be booked. 
Last modified: Wed, 12/07/2023 - 14:13

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