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Assessment of the thesis (bachelor)

On this page:
Grading of the thesis
Assessment criteria literature review)
Assessment criteria MaRBLe

Grading of the thesis

The bachelor’s thesis is graded by averaging the grades given by the supervisor and the second anonymous assessor. Both grades, based on all aspects, must be at least 6.0 and the
difference between the grades of the supervisor and the second assessor may not be more than 2.0 points.

The supervisor’s grade is based on the quality of both versions of your thesis. Supervisor and student have no role in selecting this anonymous second assessor, nor are they to correspond with this person. Both assessors fill in an electronic assessment form with concise feedback on your final version. The average grade is final.

No later than 3 June 2024 the final grade is published and concise feedback on the final thesis is available for students (except for extended deadlines).

Note: this date also applies to theses that were submitted earlier than the final deadline of 22 April 2024 13:00. 


Assessment criteria

The Bachelor thesis is assessed on a number of criteria. Assessors mark those criteria that are constructive in providing the student with concise feedback on the final version of the bachelor thesis. Response options for assessors are: poor, unsatisfactory, marginal fail, sufficient, good and very good.
Only one of the aspects may be deemed insufficient in order to receive a pass for the thesis. 


Criteria Literature Review (applies to most bachelor students, unless you are part of MaRBLe)

  • Concise and accurately reflects the aims, results, discussion and conclusion of the paper

Introduction and problem statement
  • Problem/topic: Concrete, clear and guiding
  • Introduction: representative and relevant tothe problem/topic
  • Argumentation of its broader societal/theoretical relevance
  • Structure moves from broad outline to a more narrow and specific question/aim

Middle sections
  • Correct definition of concepts and core constructs
  • Literature and theory are relevant

Discussion and conclusions
  • Structure: moving from a specific discussion of the study results to its broader implications
  • Reformulation of the research question or primary aim of the paper
  • Summary of the main findings
  • Discussion of limitations, implications, and recommendations for further research

  • Representative and relevant forthe given topic and central question ofthe paper
  • Adequate referencing (i.e., APA style)

  • Coherent structure and narrative
  • A clear division between primary and secondary aims
  • Intelligible and objective research language
  • Appearance and clarity ofthe organization ofthe paper (TOC, page numbers, et cetera)
  • Adequate line of argumentation and reasoning

Overall impression and comments: open question
Grade: 1-10


Criteria thesis for MarBLE participants

  • Concise and accurately reflects the aims, results, discussion and conclusion of the paper

Introduction and problem statement
  • Problem/topic: Concrete, clear and guiding
  • Introduction: representative and relevant tothe problem/topic
  • Argumentation of its broader societal/theoretical relevance
  • Structure moves from broad outline to a more narrow and specific question/aim

  • Adequate for answering the research question
  • Correct operational definition of the core constructs
  • The research method is justified

  • Correct description of the statistical analyses and data
  • Correct interpretation of findings

Discussion and conclusions
  • Structure: moving from a specific discussion of the study results to its broader implications
  • Reformulation of the research question or primary aim of the paper
  • Summary of the main findings
  • Discussion of limitations, implications, and recommendations for further research

  • Representative and relevant forthe given topic and central question ofthe paper
  • Adequate referencing (i.e., APA style)

  • Coherent structure and narrative
  • A clear division between primary and secondary aims
  • Intelligible and objective research language
  • Appearance and clarity ofthe organization ofthe paper (TOC, page numbers, et cetera)
  • Adequate line of argumentation and reasoning

Overall impression and comments: open question
Grade: 1-10

The external supervisor only reports on the 'Overall impression and comments' and the Grade. 
Last modified: Thu, 28/03/2024 - 10:22

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